9E-mail writing mistakes that every professional should know Mistake 1: Using the Wrong Tone You might be tempted to send emails quickly when you're in a rush, without thinking carefully about your audience, what you're saying, or how your message might come across. Mistake 2: Hitting "Reply All“ "Reply all" is a useful tool for keeping multiple team members in the loop, or for documenting group decisions, but many people use it without considering who should actually receive their email. Mistake 3: Writing Too Much Brief and succinct emails that contain only the important details are much more effective than long or wordy ones. Mistake 4: Forgetting Something? These mistakes can often be fixed quickly with a follow-up email, but this adds to the large volume of messages that people receive, and it can appear unprofessional or forgetful. Mistake 5: Emailing the Wrong Person This can be embarrassing, but it also means that your emai...